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Training materials

Training Materials

The goal of the PRESERVE training activities is to support further research by expanding the European knowledge base for R&D projects and to support the development of new standards and regulation in the field of sustainable upcycling of bio-based packaging and polymers.

During the 48 months lifespan of the project, the project partners will organise 3 knowledge sharing workshops, 6 dedicated PRESERVE webinars, and involvements in 18 third- party events for the 'PRESERVE Roadshow'. Find more information on the planned events here.

All training materials will be made available below.

  • Biodegradation: one concept, many environments

    These are the slides of the event "Biodegradation: one concept, many environments" held by Normec OWS on 24 May 2024, in which we learnt what biodegradation encompasses within the bioplastics value chain. 

  • Circular economy and circularity concepts

    This is the third part of the training materials from the PRESERVE event "Safe and Sustainable by Design Framework: SSbD implementation in PRESERVE" held by ITENE on 30 April 2024. 

  • SSbD implementation: LCA, sLCA and LCC

    This is the second part of the training materials from the PRESERVE event "Safe and Sustainable by Design Framework: SSbD implementation in PRESERVE" held by ITENE on 30 April 2024. 

  • SSbD framework and implementation in the PRESERVE project

    This is the first part of the training materials from the PRESERVE event "Safe and Sustainable by Design Framework: SSbD implementation in PRESERVE" held by ITENE on 30 April 2024. 

  • Sustainable packaging with tailored end of life

    This presentation by Willem Uyttendaele (Centexbel) for the MIX-UP project guest lecture delves into the exploration of bioplastic multilayers, where the project investigated the feasibility of utilizing biobased materials like PLA and BIOPET for packaging while ensuring recyclability and barrier properties.

  • Finish coatings to reduce microplastics release from recycled textiles

    This presentation by Teresa Calvo (ITENE) focuses on the advances made in the PRESERVE project to avoid microplastics release in recycled textiles. 

  • Top 5 facts you must know about upcycling

    In this infographic, the three sibling projects UPLIFT, uppE-T and PRESERVE present the benefits of upcycling. 

  • Recent changes in legislation, ongoing revisions and proposals under discussion

    In this infographic, European Bioplastics has summarised the state of the legislations related to plastic packaging in the EU. It covers plastics, food contact, waste, packaging and packaging waste, sustainable products, and environmental footprint. 

  • Nanoscale surface hydrophobization of whey protein based films

    In this poster, the authors Erik Sauter, Mara Strenger, Corina Reichert, Max Sturm & Markus Schmid (Sustainable Packaging Institute SPI, Faculty of Life Sciences, Albstadt-Sigmaringen University), present the nanoscale surface hydrophobization of whey protein based films that is being used in the PRESERVE project. 

  • More sustainable packaging concepts and circular bioeconomy

    This ASU poster presents the research expertise they are sharing within the PRESERVE project. They present the Sustainable Packaging Institute, part of the faculty of Life Sciences. The authors are Erik Sauter, Mara Strenger & Markus Schmid.

  • Standardization of the UPLIFT technology

    Alberto Barranca from AIMPLAS, partner of UPLIFT,  delivered the presentation “Standardization of the UPLIFT technology” in the joint workshop "Standardisation in Plastics and Circular Economy" held on 27 April 2022.

  • Certification in the Environmental Field

    For the joint workshop “Standardization in plastics and circular economy” held on 27 April 2022, Kristina Block from DIN CERTCO presented "Certification in the Environmental Field".

  • Standardisation and certification in PRESERVE

    For the joint workshop “Standardization in plastics and circular economy” held on 27 April 2022, Christian Schulz from European Bioplastics presented "Standardisation and certification in PRESERVE".

  • The challenges of standardization in circular economy

    For the joint workshop “Standardization in plastics and circular economy” held on 27 April 2022, Kristin Geidenmark Olofsson from Circular Plastic Alliance delivered the presentation “The challenges of standardization in circular economy”.

  • Sustainable packaging, research trends and innovation

    For the joint workshop “Standardization in plastics and circular economy” held on 27 April 2022 Susana Xará, Project Adviser at Raw Materials at Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA) of the European Commission, delivered an expert introduction to frame the standardization in Europe and how European R&I projects can use standardisation as a successful conduit to valorise their results.

  • upPE-T project presentation

    Fuensanta Monzó, upPE-T project coordinator at CETEC, presented the upPE-T project during the workshop "Upcycling bio-plastic of food and drink packaging" held on 20 October 2021. 

  • PRESERVE project presentation

    Aldo Ramírez, PRESERVE project Coordinator at IRIS Engineering, presented the PRESERVE project during the workshop "Upcycling bio-plastic of food and drink packaging" held on 20 October 2021. 

  • UPLIFT project presentation

    Cristiano Varrone, UPLIFT project coordinator at University of Aalborg, presented the UPLIFT project during the workshop "Upcycling bio-plastic of food and drink packaging" held on 20 October 2021. 


  • Plastic policies

    The presentation "Plastic Policies" was delivered by Aleksandra Branković, senior Researcher at IRI (Institute for Development and Innovation), Serbia, during the workshop "Upcycling bio-plastic of food and drink packaging" held on 20 October 2021. 

  • Bioplastics Packaging: Facts vs. Myths

    Hasso von Pogrell, Managing Director of European Bioplastics, delivered this presentation on bioplastics during the workshop "Upcycling bio-plastic of food and drink packaging" held on 20 October 2021. 


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